====== Updating the cosinuss° Two with the Customer Flashing Tool ====== Document ID: 1642687725 ---- Change Description: ---- Reference Documents: ---- Person in Charge: Nikolai Orlovius ---- Reviewer: ---- ===== Requirements ===== * Customer Flashing Tool consisting of: * ps-module with charging cable (as shown in the picture below) * flashboard (as shown in the picture below) * display with HDMI-cable * keyboard and mouse * ethernet cable/simstick {{ :public:customer_flashing_tool_overview_1.png?600 }} ===== Instructions ===== First connect the HDMI-cable, charging cable, keyboard, mouse and flashboard to the ps-module. If no simstick is installed connect the ps-module to your router via ethernet cable. Once everything is connected the ps-module will boot automatically and you will see the following screen. {{ :public:customer_flashing_tool_01.png?600 }} Now open the browser by clicking on the symbol shown with the red arrow and the following screen will appear automatically. {{ :public:customer_flashing_tool_02_new.png?600 |}} Connect your cosinuss° Two to the flashboard as shown in the first picture and press the button "START". Now the flashing process starts and the cosinuss° Two is updating. **Note**: If "Auto Release Sync" is enabled (as indicated on the screen) the ps-module will check for new release versions when starting and every 5 minutes afterwards. If one is found, it will be downloaded automatically. Please note: If the internet connection is note established when the flashing tool is starting, it takes 5 minutes until the flashing tool gets the newest release versions. {{ :public:customer_flashing_tool_3.png?600 }} After the flashing process is done a status message will appear. You can disconnect the cosinuss° Two from the flashboard, everything is done. \\ If an error occurs please restart the process. \\ **Note**: If the sensor's battery is too low, the flashing process may fail. In this case, the sensor must be charged for a few minutes. To start the update process of the next cosinuss° Two connect it with the flashboard and press "START" . Please repeat this for every cosinuss° Two that needs to be updated. {{ :public:customer_flashing_tool_4.png?600 }}