====== App Permissions ====== The app requests different permission for different purposes: ---- |< 100% 33% 33% 33% 33% >| ^ Location Permissions\\ (Android) ^ Bluetooth Permissions / \\ (Android 12 and newer / iOS) ^ Notification Permissions\\ (Android 12 and newer) ^ | Necessary for the app to connect to nearby Bluetooth devices. The location of the phone is not used. | Necessary for the app to connect to nearby Bluetooth devices. The location of the phone is not used. | Only necessary for displaying the sensor update progress in the notification center. | | {{ :public:lab_app_location.jpg?300 }} | {{ :public:lab_app_ble.png?300 }} | {{ :public:lab_app_notifications.png?300 }} | | | {{ :public:lab_app_ble_ios.png?300 }} | | Document ID: 1649861671 ---- Change Description: ---- Reference Documents: ---- Person in Charge: Felix Koneberg ---- Reviewer: ----